God’s Work

Amazing Grace And Gratitude

Its been a year since I blogged; and what a transformative year it has been. I’ll write how my faith has grown in a later post.

For now, I am planning Breakin Bread 10... and I suitably titled the event: "Amazing Grace." I named the event Amazing Grace because a dancer has the ability to dance with “grace”. For example a ballerina shows poise and gracefully moves. Most of the time, you don’t immediately think of a bboy to show graceful movements like a ballerina does. However, if you ever get a chance to see a bboy in a slow motion video, then you will see the b-boy's ability exuberate grace! Another way the word grace can also be implied to a bboy or bgirl is through the understanding of  God’s grace. A bboy, who has grown into a new found faith, can therefore, begin to incorporate this new understanding in his dance. It is through grace, you treat your self and others differently as if God is leading the way. In summary, grace can be seen in two ways: 1) a physical ability of gracefulness or 2)  the unmerited favor of grace from God.  It is definitely an “Amazing Grace” whichever way we see it! I'm sure the event will be a great example of this word.

In other areas, as planning commences, I am always humbled by the generosity of individuals and their surprising donations.  I posted on Facebook to ask for any donations or sponsors to help support the event. 

Recently, I met up with a bboy named Chris “Kid Dizon” Dizon for brunch at Angie’s Restaurant. As we await our food order, he slides me a wad of money of $200 and says, “...he rounded up some of the bboy community and have collected to help support Breakin Bread...” When I inquired of the names of the contributors, he simply said in a calm manner, “It’s not necessary to disclose that information and that many people are just happy to help support a great cause.”  I was definitely taken aback: humbly, it was a very thoughtful gesture!

Another recent incident occurred. Just yesterday, my manager/coworker/friend (Jessica Hathorn) whom I’ve known for about 8 years through various jobs, surprised me with a donation as well! I had just came back from a lunch meeting with the venue, arrived back at work, and opened up my work iPad.  Upon opening and tucked in between my work keyboard/screen was a donation of $25 with an artistic sticky note “Breakin Bread”. Again, a thoughtful gesture! God certainly presents those that we need in our life and to receive the support necessary for things to move forward.  I extended my gratitude to Jessica and have found more hope in the project.

It was a very nice surprise to see the contributions come in such a special way. I’m always left without words on how grateful it feels to be supported by others. Below is the photo of one of the donations upon opening up the iPad

Breakin Bread 10 donation in the work iPad

There is more to write but I will write later as we get closer to Breakin Bread 10: Amazing Grace. Until then, keep your head up high, pray always, and allow God’s Will to be the guiding force.


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