Second Year of Teaching

I am halfway done with the second year of teaching. And without any fanfare, it has been a different year than last year. I am told by other experienced teachers that EVERY YEAR is and always will be different. The emotions of the students, the behaviors, the personalities, the learning, the experiences of each student....etc... all brought-"different"- to the first day of school. 

This year, these beginning months were challenging. I couldn't connect with the students right away and I felt somewhat they didn't want to connect with me.  My wife had to remind me that it takes time to connect.  My first week back to school consisted of constant discipline.  SETTLE DOWN, QUIET DOWN, NEXT PERSON WHO TALKS I WILL ASK TO STEP OUT....  one of my bells tested my patience.  I wrote disciplinarian notes to students, administration, and parents.  If I recall, I implemented quiet study halls as opposed to free time, independent work compared to group work, tardy if you aren't in your seat...the whole nine yards in classroom management.  One student even asked proudly and confidently, "are we still the loudest class that you have?" He was eventually encouraged kindly to look for another school by the administration.

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(began again 4/4/24)

So now, I'm on spring break.  And I can faithfully say, I have now connected with many of my students.  Some have written to me by email and some have just said encouraging words on how much they have learned so much about Jesus Christ and His Word.  I love teaching science but furthermore, I love teaching the students on how to love Jesus. 

Recently, I showed them the movie, "The Resurrection of Gavin Stone" prior to Easter weekend which opened up our Spring Break. I figured a nice faith-based movie would help all of us ease the much needed break.  

Surprisingly, a student emailed me that afternoon and wanted to let me know how much that movie meant to him. The movie was about a rebellious man who had to serve his community hours at a church.  I had been praying for this particular student because the Holy Spirit

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(began again 5/28/24)

I am now in the last week of school.  As I write this new note, my students are doing a study hall in which some are finishing their other classwork, some are playing cards, and some are just listening to music.  It's that time of year where we can begin to slowly breath as work begins to diminish.  

Overall the year has been good.  I can say with confidence that I was able to connect with many of my students.  It has been a great year throughout.  Different.  But impactful.  As I write this, the bell is about to ring so I'll leave you with this....  a card that helps describe how my year went... a card that was given to me from one of my students during Teacher Appreciation Day:  

Hey Mr. --------, 

I truly want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, you have been such a spiritual role model for me, your everlasting smile, and just the way you act and treat others.  Always puts a smile on my face.  To this point in my life I have had no other teacher I look up too more than you, your love and strong faith in Jesus is like none other and your class environment is absolutely fantastic.  You have made so many changes in kids' lives including mine.  I might not take anatomy for the actual subject, I just want to take it so I can spend another year in class with you.  Thank you for all the change you do for your students lives for both science and Christ!  



May God always receive the glory in the work He has done in me.  Thank you Jesus for using me for your glory and for your Kingdom.  


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