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Second Year of Teaching

I am halfway done with the second year of teaching. And without any fanfare, it has been a different year than last year. I am told by other experienced teachers that EVERY YEAR is and always will be different. The emotions of the students, the behaviors, the personalities, the learning, the experiences of each student....etc... all brought-"different"- to the first day of school.  This year, these beginning months were challenging. I couldn't connect with the students right away and I felt somewhat they didn't want to connect with me.  My wife had to remind me that it takes time to connect.  My first week back to school consisted of constant discipline.  SETTLE DOWN, QUIET DOWN, NEXT PERSON WHO TALKS I WILL ASK TO STEP OUT....  one of my bells tested my patience.  I wrote disciplinarian notes to students, administration, and parents.  If I recall, I implemented quiet study halls as opposed to free time, independent work compared to group work, tardy i...

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